It seems that recently I have been doing things that I would call a bad idea...
Leave your work to the last miniute... I would say thats a bad idea.
Play Sim City 4... Good idea.
Don't fall asleep til five in the morning... I would say thats a bad idea.
Halo 2... Good idea.
Don't sleep the night after not sleeping til five... I would say thats a bad idea.
Practice Banjo... Good idea.
Catch some sleep in the afternoon... I would say thats a bad idea.
Plan youth camp... Good idea.
Don't sleep the next night either... I would say thats a bad idea.
Take a nap at 3... Good idea.
Don't wake up til 2... I would say thats a bad idea.
Make lots of jokes during your presentation... it could go either way.
But... Get all your work done... Good idea.
I won't tell you which of these are true but you can bet that they all are.
Pat+ Man+ Pat= Patman the Pat
I forgot to carry the 'the'
bad idea
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