Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Its happening all around us... but no one makes a sound.

Thousands abandoned... left without care.

We have a new terror sweeping the land. Across the internet and around the world people everywhere are abandoning what they started. In 2006 the exciting and interconnected "Facebook" arrived on the scene. At first it was a wonderment... People were happy, excited, reconnecting with old friends, and inter-connecting with current friends. It was a happy time for the internet... or was it?

Behind the scenes of this modern craze there was a dark alley of abandonment. You see all over the internet people are giving up on their traditional blogs and opting for a 'note' based system of posting. But what about the blogs? What about the pointless stories you once wrote for all the internet to see? What about the photographs and epitaphs you churned out on a semi-almost-sort-of daily to weekly basis? What about the hours you already wasted, invested in this faction of internet culture? What are you going to do?

With the abandonment of blogs everywhere there is more need in the internet today for people like you to step up and support traditional blogs. But this is more than a call to donate money (send all donations to rubic_@hotmail.com) but you can do more (although donations would be great: rubic_@hotmail.com). If money isn't available you can:

1) talk to a friend who has abandoned their blogs (maybe even write on their wall)

2) start support groups in your community to raise blog awareness

3) think about adopting a blog that is already out there

Blogs matter.

(This has been a paid advertisement by the "Pat Needs a Life Foundation" if you would like to be involved in the PNLF please send all donations to rubic_@hotmail.com)


uniformlydan said...

what's your address? brad and i want to contribute! neither of us have even gotten on the 'blog' train yet-- how are we expected to understand the fanciful world of 'facebook'? please help us help ourselves.


C.D. Clements said...

Hey Pat.

I haven't read your post. However, I am sure it is good.

Okay; now that the respectable thing has been done (referencing the post) I will say what I really wanted to say.

I purchased the new Derek Webb, and it is good. It is in the much acclaimed 'Indy' style. oooooh.
I think you should get it.


C.D. Clements

C.D. Clements said...

also beat Lango (school computers) on level 3. Al says you would be impressed.

David said...

Patman, I feel your asessment of the situation is valid. I would project and contend that the reasoning is related to people's desire to be heard by as many people as possible, or to post knowing that x amount of people are reading. The issue is with blogs, is that many don't feel anyone reads theres, this way - through facebook - they have a garuntee. That being said, I prefer the quasi-animity that accompanies blogspot.

Janet Perry said...

HAHAH! Again... very amusing...

David said...

In my opinion God does use a mac