Thursday, July 20, 2006


I awoke the next day. It was oddly quiet and there was no one around. I peaked out from under my blanket. I was overly hot that morning so I went to turn the fan on. It lay still and I flicked the switch. It still layed still. Frustrated with the fan and the heat I decide to turn on the tap and brush my teeth. Strangely I found that no water came and my teeth were not about to be properly cleaned. I shrugged and carried on.

I moved up stairs and found that the day had long begun. It was after all 5 pm. I must have slept a long time. It turns out my radio wasn't on either. Something was really off. I decided that a nice cold pepsi late in the afternoon would do me good. So I reached into the darkened refridgerator and found only warm pepsi. I drank it anyways cause hey, I like the stuff.

The entire building was as quiet as a mouse and I figured apropriately I would check my email and maybe write in my blog. Oddly enough it seemed the computer had broken or something because it wouldn't turn on. By this point I was a little up set so I looked at the clock and realised that it was 5:00 am so I went back to bed....

I love power outtages...



C.D. Clements said...

Dear Pat,

i agree


David said...

Dear Patrick,

I'm admiring this post from the comfort of my cold, central-aired basement, man I need to put on a sweater. VEERRRRR

Tim the tool man Taylor, rock it! Pepsi is the best cola!


Patrick Sutherland said...

Ah yes the grand total of hours with out power is 120. That was something else

Patman the Pat

Patrick Sutherland said...

Ah yes the grand total of hours with out power is 120. That was something else

Patman the Pat

uniformlydan said...

funniest part of this one? you trying to write out tim's noise.


David said...

Halo....Halo....Halo...Need Some...nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

David said...

Patman on further inspection of Clements Blog titled "On Tray", it has come to my attention that I have caused great offence, when I made the comment, it completely slipped my mind that you too were a music head, so easily my memory fades in a blue day. Yes thats it! Accept my humble apologies!