It may or may not surprise you that I enjoy reading. I know you are all saying "Pat=Read? I don't think so" Anyways as I have been reading lately I have reread the Sixth Harry Potter book and started to read a book called Endimiong Spring (give or take the spelling). Harry Potter has been a large question mark in Christian circles because of its magic and dark arts. Personally I don't intend to argue this here but in reading Endimiong Spring I have noticed a singnificantly darker tone (i.e. deals with the devil, devils and dragons and evils that are beyond happy spells that make milk and what not) There is a drastic difference between the two. These books brought me to a question of evil.
What is worse: obvious evil or subversive evil?
Now of course evil is evil and in any capacity it is harmful but I am confident in the effect of evil. It seems so easy to point at all the evils that we all see so clearly. But underlying evils easily pass us by. While we struggle with sexual temptation and the avoision of gossip we grow lazy in the word, pass up oppertunity and become ultimately more comfortable in our humanly weaknesses and forget the calling to be more in all aspects of life and not just the easily found wrongs.
Either way its an interesting question that I think we should think about.
Patman the Pat
On Water
13 years ago
1 comment:
Dear Pat:
I read something once.
This has been a time honored joke inspired by Matt Marlin.
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