It seems that all my titles have the word "I" in it recently. I over analyze this in three ways:
1. I am self centered:
This, of course, is not my self-centered nature coming through (although I have a very strong self-centered nature) but rather it is because this is my blog about my life.
2. I have entered a new phase in my life:
Blogs generally run in trends. If I had a blog during the nineties I probably would have quoted "Nintendo Power" a lot and probably have vast discussions about the rules of marbles. Anyways the point is that the new trend in my blog is the 'I' titles.
3. I always wanted a gimmick:
Blogs often have gimmicks. Perhaps the blog has theme days. For instance, every Monday its the sad rant about how bad your weekend was or Thursday is the "famous pirates in history" day. If you click on Chris Clements' blog you'll see that he titles every blog with "On ____" Thus the word 'I' is my new gimmick. It isn't very flashy, it won't win me any awards but its mine.
I have also renamed my blog because of it. The new title is "The 'I' in Team" as you can clearly read above. Its a little joke.
Patman the I
(Note: If you don't get the joke about the "I" in team please seek medical help)
On Water
13 years ago
On the posted post:
"I" like it.
C.D. Clements
"I" don't... hahah! jk "Janet" should be your gimmick though... it's catchier... haha!!
Except that would be too much like your blog which at one point and I assume now featured me about 7 times a post.
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