Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Single Life

I love ambiguos things.

The title above misleads you all so well that I can hardly wait to tell you the secret of the title. This reflection is infact on the topic of having a single room.

I entered this barren wasteland that is considered a dorm room to find more space then imaginable. It was beautiful. No roomate. No restriction. It was wonderful. I think I heard angels singing but that may have just been music blaring from Kentie's room.

Now on the topic of roomates let me clarify. I have had marvelous experiences with roomates. Longard, Thompson and Micah were all individuals that stood to make my day brighter. But in the long run I enjoy my space as much as the next man so I dished out the cash to get that freedom.

And with this new found freedom I have laid out the room in the manner most befitting a single room...


1. The Closet/Sink Area- This has long been a place various items of clothing and what not. But I have abandoned this space for the sake of nothing. I rarely use this closet anyways so I dub it "the neutral zone"

2/3. My Desk- Complete with desktop computer, pen holder and various rubik's cubes, the desk area serves to eat up much of my time. It also serves as a great place for doing homework (I guess anyways). It also has the proper amount of space for a LAN party of two or three people. I dub this space "The Desk of Eternity"

4. The tradition van seat- Note that over the summer one of the two van seats that I love grew cold. Or more specifically grew mold. So it has long been removed from me home and is gone to a 'better' place. But the vigilant, bold seat that remains is holding its own. It is a vital part of the corner area which I will discuss later. It is dubbed "The Throne"

5. Abnormally long dresser- With Tv, Xbox, Game cube and many other forms of entertainment this object makes the room the place to be. Thankfully I found a way to place this obstruction in such a way that it is a blessing not a burden. I dub it "The Abnormally long dresser"

6. The Bed- A favoured item in my room. I dub it "Home"

7. The Bookshelf- Part of the trifector with number 4 and 8, the bookshelf shelves my books. It stands as a becon to the education I an attempting to get here at Tyndale. It also holds the shelf of memories; the place where I put items of significance from my tyndale years. It with the van seat is dubbed 'The Reading Nook"

8. My Guitar- Musical influence in the room that allows my spirit to soar. I call it, in conjunction with the van seat: "The Rocking Nook"

This has been your tour of Patman's 'Pat Cave' Donation are welcome in the donation box at the end of tour.

P the P


Janet Perry said...

What?? No pictures?? You who said that pictures "make" the blog!!

Patrick Sutherland said...

what are you talking about... there is definately an image there... how could you miss it?

P the P

Janet Perry said...

Oh... you are so funnyyyyyyyyyy! Ha.,.. ha ha

Kin said...

You trickster you, I thought you had stolen my bit!

Love the description of the layout, but what of the wipeboards?

uniformlydan said...

your picture definitely lacks you dance dance revolution-ing-(ing?).

please amend.

David said...

I must admit, at first I was uncertain of the concept, now I believe, I'll turn down that music...
