There is a wide gap in the world.
I was considering Haiti this evening. I finally decided to look through the collection of photos at The Big Picture (a news in photographs)and I was sorrowful.
I went to Google to explore what people are saying about Haiti and decided to follow the twitter* on it because it was the quickest way to hear from a wide variety of people.
The most moving pointed to the juxtaposition between my night, a Canadian (and American) night, and the night of a person in Haiti.
Canada: 24, Golden Globes
Haiti: Suffering, Death, hunger (just to name a few)
There is a wide gap in the world.
*If you are looking for an interesting view of this gap type "Golden Globes" or "24" into a twitter tracker and watch what people are saying. Do the same with "Haiti" The speed at which people are commenting is amazing, but the disappointments, excitements, cares and concerns are so different.
On Water
13 years ago
1 comment:
One might point to football playoffs in the same way
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