Monday, October 02, 2006

You asked for it...

Much to my shagrin I have been asked to complete my post on my room. I imagine three straight posts dedicated to my room is a little much but the Triology I have now created can be titled:

The Lord of my Things Trilogy
The Space Wars Trilogy
The Back to the Furniture Trilogy
The Evil Bed Trilogy
The Unhomey Trinity
Or Finally...
The Matrice Trilogy

Either way here are the objects requested and one new member to the room.

1) the White Board- Though not white, it features a dynamic silver quality found only at Canadian Tire. Upon it these days is a lovely drawing of Captain Will the Pirate. It resides above my van seat and is a welcome addition to the room.

2) Overly Large Photo of Janet- Dropped off at my house in the late of evening the day she left, this 8 by 10 sits somewhere in the room... I can't quite remember but here is a photograph of it last time I saw it....

3) The New Guy- While not a guy, this plant is my best friend and the perfect roomate.

Well thus completes the epic trilogy of my room. I would like to note that Janet and Will complained because these parts of the room featured them and well I'd do the same for you.

P the P


Janet Perry said...

Photoshop.... that's all I have to say...

Janet Perry said...

Oh... and he knows EXACTLY where the picture is! He's just playing it cool... little does he know, I already know of his deep love for me... so it;s no longer a secret... and he doesn't have to hide it anymore... even if it IS unrequited...

Kin said...

Good on ya, Pat. Though I just liked the idea of the wipeboard, I had completely forgotten that it would be an indirect advertisment for though that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Kin said...

Oh, I forgot:

Those are the best trilogy names, ever.

C.D. Clements said...

Two posts

C.D. Clements said...

are the thing to do