I went to a lecture today. It was for the frosh class but still useful and insightful to the common student. The lecture was about getting the most out of your education and the integration of faith and learning (how very Tyndale) but all that goes too far too fast. Let me explain where I'm going...Will and I have made it a habit, a bad one, of staying up late to write papers or rather intending to write papers. The problem is that often at about 1:30 or 2 I go to say hello, make a witty remark or two and allow Will the same. That usually ends around 4. Thus we get no work done and are far more tired than intended.
In one of our last conversations we realized that we were most likely closer to liberals (of the theological nature) then that of fundamentalists. This means that we were close to end of the spectrum than either of us really wanted.
But today, thankfully, I learned I wasn't a liberal but there was another option.
To sum up Craig Carter's lecture I'll say this:
He presented four different view of integration (integration: taking the fountain of knowledge we have and doing something with it in our faith)
The first view: Fundamentalist- takes the bible at face value. One requires and uses no external information to interpret the bible. This, according to Carter, allows for no use of hermeneutical practices. (I will note that I think this can be done but only in significantly limiting ways and by ignoring all external sources because once you learn something it then becomes a matter of integration)
The second view:Liberalism- In light of Modern thought one must reanalyze the Bible for its value. Since the people at the time were limited, unsophisticated and unlearned (compared to us now) their worldview was dramatically skewed. This means that certain things in the bible must be taken to mean very different things then what actually happens in the world. This perspective serves to force the bible into Modern thought and compromises the bible in favor of modern thought.
The third view: Evangelicalism- In light of modern thought and biblical thought we must co-exist. Learning to compromise or even ignore our ideological differences and just try to find the common ground. This view seems to compromise both biblical views and modern views homogenizing them into a watered down synthesis of both. (much of the church has through cultural upbringing, media influence and poor teaching of critical analysis has this perspective sometimes without knowing it is the case)
The fourth view: Postmodern Orthodoxy- In light of Biblical thought one must reinterpret Modern thought for its value. We must take the biblical narrative as true and use modern viewpoints and understanding only where it brings revelation to the already existing foundation and reject it where it comes into direct conflict with biblical ideology. For example: Modern thought says that as humanity we can strive to overcome our destructive nature (e.g. war and poverty) through means of social reconstructions and unified efforts for good. Biblical thought says that God's purposes are working in the world and its only through divine intervention (seen in Christ) that we will overcome evil for good and end our destructive nature. Thus we must abandon the modern hopes for the reality of the bible.
This is a summary of the end of Carter's lecture which I thought was great.
I would like to then go on record as a Postmodern Orthodoxist.
Patman the Postmodern Orthodoxian Pat.(it seems the phrase Postmodern Orthodoxy has no current way of describing its followers. i.e one who is liberal is a liberal. One who is from Britain is British. One who understands them self to align with postmodern orthodoxy is?)
I would also recommend Craig Crater's blog located to the left and feel free to pick up his books advertised therein.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I'm not a liberal, phew!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I think I am personally going to destroy the environment
Its not my fault but I have to many pages to print of far too useless facts and words. Its paper time!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Recently I have been watching 24 season 4 with the guys at my house.
Talk about intense. We have two episodes left and I'm dieing to find out what sort of things will happen. Which I guess has brought me to a good topic of discussion: my love of TV.
I think my love of television comes from the love of story. I find it a very introspective experience where I can watch people interact, get involved with their lives and maybe even feel along with them. I think it may be an important skill to be able to empathize with others as their lives unfold. Of course I'm just trying to justify.
Patman the Pat
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
A little note on evangelism...
Now I am not an expert in the above field. I have told people about Jesus and I have not told people about Jesus. The question I want to think about for the moment is: how do we tell people about Jesus? or What is important when we tell people about Jesus?
Recently this topic has been coming up in the form of brand new students at Tyndale. I had the pleasure of experiencing the passionate discussion between two members of my small group on the subject and of course that got me thinking.
On the one side the argument went something like this... people are going to hell, we need to tell them, otherwise they won't know. So give them the blunt truth as quick as possible and let them decide.
On the other side... people are not responsive to a message of hell and damnation and should rather be shown the results of a faith through good works, and love.
Arguably both are methods that can produce results in someones life and are very relative to the situation.
But the more I thought about the issue the more I was worried about our first method. Are we supposed to scare people into faith? Break them apart so that they are left destitute? Does the gospel really just mean some kind of heaven and hell duality?
A message of healing seems more reasonable to me. A message of hope. A message of love. A message that speaks to a persons greatest desires not their own survival instincts. Look at the bible someday and see just how much life, love and hope are used compared to hell. Maybe this would do.
Patman the Pat
*on a side note... no one really believes that a million dollar bill is real